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sq sample1


// sqtr.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
//#include "sqtr.h"
#include "sqlite3/sqlite3.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <list>
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "SQLiteWrapper.h"
using namespace std;

//#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
//#include <iterator>
//#include <boost/thread.hpp>
typedef list<char*> List_Char;

int db_fun(sqlite3 *pDB , List_Char *slist)
  int result = 0;

  //sqlite3 *pDB = NULL;
     char* err_msg = NULL;
  char* databaseName="test2.db3";
     /*int rc = sqlite3_open(databaseName, &pDB);

 //int rc = sqlite3_open(databaseName, &pDB);
  // 执行SQL 

  __int64 t1, t2, tc;
  QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&t1);

 int rc = sqlite3_exec(pDB, "BEGIN;", 0, 0, &err_msg);
 for (List_Char::iterator s = slist->begin(); s!=slist->end(); s++)
  // 执行SQL
  char *sql = *s;//"INSERT INTO test_for_cpp(id, name, age) VALUES(1, 'asdf', 25)";
  if (sqlite3_exec(pDB, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg) != SQLITE_OK) 
   printf("操作失败,错误代码: %s", err_msg);

   rc = sqlite3_exec(pDB, "ROLLBACK;", 0, 0, &err_msg);
   db_fun(pDB , slist);
   //return 0;
 rc = sqlite3_exec(pDB, "COMMIT;", 0, 0, &err_msg);

 QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&t2);
 QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER *)&tc);

 float diff = (t2 - t1) / tc;
 printf("用时: %f", diff);

 return result;

DWORD WINAPI Thread_WriteData(LPVOID lpParam)
 //sqlite3 *pDB = (sqlite3*)lpParam;
 int i = (int)lpParam;
 char* db_name = "";
 char tmp_arr[25];
 db_name = tmp_arr;
 //strcpy(db_name, tmp_arr);

 sqlite3 *pDB = NULL;
    char* err_msg = NULL;
 char* databaseName=db_name;
 int rc = sqlite3_open(databaseName, &pDB);
 /*char* sql = "CREATE TABLE test_for_cpp(id int, name varchar(20), age int)"; 
 if (sqlite3_exec(pDB, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg) != SQLITE_OK) 
  printf("操作失败,错误代码: %s", err_msg); 
  return 0;
 if (sqlite3_exec(pDB, "PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;", NULL, NULL, &err_msg) != SQLITE_OK) {
  printf("操作失败,错误代码: %s", err_msg);     
  return 0;
 if (sqlite3_exec(pDB, "PRAGMA cache_size=5000;", NULL, NULL, &err_msg) != SQLITE_OK) {
  printf("操作失败,错误代码: %s", err_msg);     
  return 0;
 if (sqlite3_exec(pDB, "PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY;", NULL, NULL, &err_msg) != SQLITE_OK) {
  printf("操作失败,错误代码: %s", err_msg);
  return 0;
 /*if (sqlite3_exec(pDB, "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;", NULL, NULL, &err_msg) != SQLITE_OK) {
  printf("操作失败,错误代码: %s", err_msg);
  return 0;

 List_Char *slist = new List_Char;
 for(int i=0;i<10000;i++)
  char* sql = "INSERT INTO test_for_cpp(id, name, age) VALUES(1, 'asdf', 25)";

   char* sql = "INSERT INTO test_for_cpp2(id, name, age) VALUES(1, 'asdf', '25')";
 int rst = db_fun(pDB , slist);

 return true;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
 /*SQLiteWrapper sqlite;
 if (sqlite.Open("SQLiteWrapper.db")) {
    std::cout << "SQLiteWrapper.db created or opened" << std::endl;
  else {
    std::cout << "couldn't open SQLiteWrapper.db" << std::endl;

  if (sqlite.DirectStatement("create table foo (bar, baz)")) {
    std::cout << "table foo created" << std::endl;
  else {
    std::cout << "Couldn't create table foo" << std::endl;

  if (sqlite.Open("SQLiteWrapper.db3")) {
    std::cout << "SQLiteWrapper.db3 created or opened" << std::endl;
  else {
    std::cout << "couldn't open SQLiteWrapper.db"     << std::endl;

 // __int64 t1, t2, tc;
 // QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&t1);

 // for(int i=0;i<100;i++)
 // {
 // SQLiteStatement* stmt = sqlite.Statement("insert into foo values (?, ?)");

 // if (stmt->Bind(0, 3)) {
 // std::cout << "value 3 successfully bound at pos 0" << std::endl;
 // }
 // else {
 // std::cout << "value 3 NOT successfully bound at pos 0: " << sqlite.LastError() << std::endl;
 // }
 // if (stmt->Bind(1, 4)) {
 // std::cout << "value 4 successfully bound at pos 1" << std::endl;
 // }
 // else {
 // std::cout << "value 4 NOT successfully bound at pos 1:" << sqlite.LastError() << std::endl;
 // }

 // // ******************************** Executing 1st time
 // if (stmt->Execute()) {
 // std::cout << "statement executed" << std::endl;
 // }
 // else {
 // std::cout << "error executing statement: " << sqlite.LastError() << std::endl;
 // }

 // if (stmt->Bind(0, 5)) {
 // std::cout << "value 5 successfully bound at pos 0" << std::endl;
 // }
 // else {
 // std::cout << "value 5 NOT successfully bound at pos 0" << std::endl;
 // }

 // if (stmt->Bind(1, 6)) {
 // std::cout << "value 6 successfully bound at pos 1" << std::endl;
 // }
 // else {
 // std::cout << "value 6 NOT successfully bound at pos 1" << std::endl;
 // }

 // // ******************************** Executing 2nd time
 // if (stmt->Execute()) {
 // std::cout << "statement executed" << std::endl;
 // }
 // else {
 // std::cout << "error executing statement: " << sqlite.LastError() << std::endl;
 // }
 //QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&t2);
 //QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER *)&tc);

 //float diff = (t2 - t1) / tc;
 //printf("用时: %f", diff);


 //int rst = db_fun();

 //2打开文件 开辟5W长度的操作[写]队列 开启定时器 block队列

 //3定时器时间满则做入库操作 release队列,若队列满后关闭文件,丢给执行文件上传线程,回到2,



    //DWORD ThreadID;
    //for(int i=1; i < 3; i++ )
    //    HANDLE h_thread = CreateThread(
    //                 NULL,       // default security attributes
    //                 0,          // default stack size
    //                 (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) Thread_WriteData,
    //                 (LPVOID)i,        // no thread function arguments
    //                 0,          // default creation flags
    //                 &ThreadID); // receive thread identifier

    //    if( h_thread == NULL )
    //    {
    //        printf("CreateThread error: %d\n", GetLastError());
    //        return 1;
    //    }


 /*using namespace boost::lambda;
    typedef std::istream_iterator<int> in;

        in(std::cin), in(), std::cout << (_1 * 3) << " " );*/

 //rc = sqlite3_close(pDB);

 return 0;



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